Best Practices

Central Bureau of Inter-Forces for Personal Security


A Central Bureau of Inter-Forces for Personal Security (UCIS) was created in Italy within the ministry of interior in 2003. UCIS carries out risk-assessments in cases when journalists have been in danger to identify which form of physical protection the journalist or media ctor needs. UCIS uses various protection measures such as voluntary evacuation and escorts with armoured cars.

Best Practices

Verhaltensgrundsätze für Presse/Rundfunk und Polizei

November 1993

The conference of Interior Ministers of the German federal states (Länder) ratified “Verhaltensgrundsätze für Presse/Rundfunk und Polizei”. This code of conduct for press/broadcasters and the police to avoid obstructions of police work and of free reporting, together with the German Press Council, the Association of the Newspaper Publishers, the Association of Magazine Publishers, First German Television and Second German Television, the Association of Private Broadcasters and the Journalists’ Unions. It was published via Deutscher Presserat (In German).